Just Jump!

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Photo Credit: Colton Jones

I’m trying to figure out why you came to see me or sort me out.  Yes, I’m a motivational speaker, Yes I’m a life couch, Yes I wrote a few bestsellers and helped people like yourself achieve success in their chosen fields but looking at the answers you have written down on the questionnaire I gave you it’s clear that you know what your dreams are, you know what your goals are, you know the steps you need to take to get there.

Motivation is what got you this far otherwise you would not have known about me, I’m guessing you sort me out so I can push you, so I can tell you it’s going to be ok, take the leap, take the risk, you will be ok.  Hell no! That’s on you buddy.  You got to push yourself as nobody’s going to push you. 

In the movie Rocky V he tells his son “Let me tell you something you already know, the world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, it’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it, you, me or nobody is gona hit as hard a life but it ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep more forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward, that’s how winning is done.  Now if you know what you are worth, then go out and get what you are worth but you got to be willing to take the hits and not points fingers saying you ain’t where you wana be because of him, her or nobody, cowards do that and that ain’t you, you’re better than that”

Les Brown once said “The graveyard is filled with potential” – imagine yourself lying in your grave surrounded by your dreams, goals, ideas, ambitions and they are looking down at you saying “we waited for you to take the leap, to take the risk and believe in us but you never did” how many people are lying in the graveyard? That’s a shit load of dreams, goals and ideas never set free.

Imagine this – you’re in a plane and its nose dying towards the ground, you are alone everyone else jump out.  You head for the cockpit because you saw this in a movie and try pulling up the handle but gravity just ain’t on your side right now.  You turn around and you see a parachute.  Do you grab it and jump out or crash with the plane?  Of course you are going to grab the parachute and jump, its human nature, sink or swim, live or die right? Survival!!

So you jump, what do you do if the parachute doesn’t open? You’ll probably die but you would have died in the plane crash anyway. 

That life, it will give you an opportunity, hell it’s going to give you a lot of opportunities, it’s up to you to jump and take the opportunity – give it all you got and hope the parachute will open because believe me when it opens and it will if you jump enough times, you will see yourself living your dreams and reaching your goals.

We only get one shot at this game called life: 

Live your life

Live your dreams

Do what you love

Do what make you happy

Know your why

Know your worth

Set goals

Achieve those goals

And just JUMP!!

I’m going to leave you with this…a man was facing the firing squad the next morning.  The Captain walked into his cell and told him he has 2 choices.  Tomorrow he could go out and face the firing squad or he could walk over to the grey door and open it.  “What behind the grey door? “I don’t know” replied the Captain.  The next morning the man faced the firing squad, on walking away the Captain’s secretary asked him “Captain, what’s behind the grey door?” “Freedom” replied the Captain but rarely does someone choose the unknown because of Fear.

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