8 Traits to Being a Great Dad

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Photo by Y De Rock

The 8 traits to being a Great Dad are not a widely recognized or established concept, so there might be various interpretations of what they might be.

A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives.

Ama H. Vanniarachchy

However, here are 8 traits that can contribute to a Dad being considered Great:

1- Love

  • Showing genuine love and affection towards your kids, including embracing their individuality.

When we talk about love as a trait of being a Great Dad, we mean showing your kids that you care about them deeply and unconditionally. This includes giving hugs, saying “I love you” often, and letting your kids know that they are valued and appreciated.

It also means accepting your kids for who they are, even if they have different interests or personalities than you.

2 – Responsibility

  • Fulfilling financial and emotional responsibilities as a Dad, such as providing for the family and being present in their lives.

Being a responsible Dad means taking care of your family’s needs, both financial and emotional. This includes working hard to provide for your family, but also being present and engaged in their lives.

Thus, being reliable and dependable, and doing your best to make sure your family is safe and secure.

3 – Patience

  • Having the ability to handle difficult situations and challenges with their kids calmly and compassionately.

As any parent knows, raising kids can be challenging and frustrating at times. But a Great Dad is patient and understanding, even in the face of difficult behaviour or tantrums.

Taking a deep breath and staying calm when your kid is upset or misbehaving, and showing them that you are there for them no matter what.

4 – Support

  • Providing emotional and moral support, encouraging kids to reach their potential and dreams.

Every kid needs support from their parents, and a Great Dad is no exception. This means being there to cheer them on when they succeed, but also being there to comfort them when they fail or face setbacks.

And being a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear when they need to talk.

5 – Guidance

  • Serving as a mentor and role model, imparting wisdom and helping kids make good decisions.

A Great Dad is also a mentor and role model to their kids. This means helping them navigate the ups and downs of life, and sharing your own experiences and wisdom to help them make good decisions.

Being there to offer advice and guidance when they need it, but also letting them make their own mistakes and learn from them.

6 – Involvement

  • Actively participating in their kids’ lives, taking an interest in their activities and hobbies.

Being involved in your kids’ lives means taking an active interest in their hobbies, activities, and friendships. It means attending their school events and sports games, and being there to celebrate their achievements.

Just being there for their everyday moments, like helping with homework or playing games together.

7 – Communication

  • Maintaining open lines of communication, being approachable and available for discussion.

Communication is key to any successful relationship, and that includes the relationship between a Dad and their kids. Being a Great Dad means being approachable and available for discussion, and making time to talk and listen to your children.

It means creating a safe and supportive environment where your kids feel comfortable opening up and sharing their thoughts and feelings.

8 – Flexibility

  • Adapting to changing circumstances and being open-minded, allowing your kids to grow and develop.

Finally, a Great Dad is flexible and adaptable. This means being open-minded and willing to try new things, and allowing your kids to grow and develop in their own unique ways.

Willing to adjust your parenting style as your kids get older and their needs change, and being supportive of their goals and dreams, even if they don’t align with your own.

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